Sunday, August 15, 2010

What to say, what to say, what to say…

Honestly, right now I don't really know. What can I say? How do I explain what God has done in me when i don't even know myself? :o) I think it's going to take some time before I will be able to understand how I have changed during my time here in Pemba, Mozambique. But I do know that I have changed. A lot. I've seen and experienced a totally different culture from my own. I've sat and learned at the feet of some of the greatest generals in the faith on the earth today. I've developed a friendship that will last for the rest of my life. I've held kids in my arms and dreamed of how God could take and multiply my little little life. I've seen poverty, joy, pain, and love like I've never seen before. I've cried a lot, danced a lot, thought a lot, and laughed a lot. I've smelled fresh African rain, gazed at shining African stars, watched the breathtaking African sunrise, and listened to glorious African worship. I've allowed God to break my heart for the things that break His heart, and I've allowed Him to dream His dreams through me. I've said "yes" to the call to missions but don't know where He is calling me to yet. And I've fallen in love with the One who loved me first.

So even though I don't really know how to explain it, I know I'm different. But if you want to know how you're going to have to watch me. :o)

Why do you love God?...

Have you ever thought about it?...

I love God because first He loved me. (1 John 4:19)
He loved me even before I was born.
Jer. 1:5 "Before I formed you... I knew you."
And He loved me enough to send His own Son to die for me. Can you imagine being willing to give up your own child? That's crazy!!! But He did it. He gave Him up because He couldn't stand being separated from us. He couldn't bear the thought of not being able to be with us. He loves us that much!!!
It blows my mind!
It really blows my mind that the God of the universe would come down to earth as a man, that He would humble himself that much, and that He would die for me.
He died for me.
He died for you.

That's love.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Have you ever dreamed with God about what He could do in your city? Just think about it. What’s possible? If, like the bible says, anything is possible with God, then what’s possible? What do you want to see happen? …

You know what I want to see?
I want to see families restored.
I want to see youth who know that they are loved just as they are.
I want to see college students catch the vision of the Great Commission.
I want to see the wealthy befriending the poor and the refugees.
I want to see people simply loving the person in front of them.
I want to see revival.

What about you?


I asked the Lord the other morning:“What would it look like if my life was fully possessed by love for Jesus?”


Together Forever

One morning in worship I asked the Lord what was on His mind, and He said, “I’m thinking about the things I love to do with you and about how we get to do those things together forever!” So I started dreaming about the things I get to do with God forever, like eat ice cream and shakes, and stay up late talking, and swim in the ocean, and go rafting and play on the river!! All the things I love to do He loves to do too, and we get to do them together for the rest of eternity. How amazing is that!


We got back from outreach, and I was asking the Lord, “Is it wrong that I get more excited about playing with the kids in the dirt or holding a little girl in my arms than I do about seeing miracles and healings?” He said, “You are made for relationship. It’s what I’ve made you for and called you to.” We’ve all been created for relationship. We’ve all been created to know God and to be with Him forever! The other day God said to me, “Just be with me. That’s all I want. Just be with me.” He wasn’t asking me to do anything. There wasn’t a checklist I needed to complete. He simply wanted to be with me.